Children & Youth Activities

Sunday School

Following the Children’s Moment, Preschool through 5th Grade may go to Sunday School during our 10:00 a.m. service.

We will start with a centering activity and move on to learn more about all the Bible characters we can!

The Oasis

Activities for Pre-School thru 12TH GRADE

Wednesday evenings

6PM MEAL | 6:30 to 7:30PM ACTIVITIES

(September through April. Preschoolers must be potty trained)

Please email Carrie Hendricks at to register or if you have any questions.

Thank you to all the leaders, families, kids and kitchen help that continue to make this a fun and successful event every Wednesday!

Aloha! MCC Kid's Weekend was July 21st and July 22nd!

This is our take on VBS and is simply Friday evening and Saturday morning. The kids had an awesome time making crafts, playing games and hearing bible stories!

Chi Rho

Our middle school group is called “Chi Rho” – The Chi and Rho are the first two letters in the Greek word for Christ.

Chi Rho consists of 6th – 8th graders from many area schools. As they participate in games, activities, and devotions they forget about the little worries and stresses of being in middle school.


CYF (Christian Youth Fellowship) is our high school (9th-12th grade) group that meets during Oasis on Wednesday evenings.

Together we break down scripture to help us work through those difficult questions in life that we all experience.